Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tai's Going Away Run - Nuuanu

Fish, Gordon, Annie, Lisa, Cindy, Tai, Jack, Julie

Tai completed UH grad school and was offered a great opportunity in Washington State. To say 'Goodbye' and to congratulate Tai on her graduation, we celebrated with a run. And food.

We started at Jackass Ginger trail, followed by a climb up Nuuanu trail to the bench. As Tai would say, the climb was 'glorious.'

Julie, Annie, Tai, Cindy

Lisa, Jack

Gordon, Fish, Tai

After the run, we headed over to Bangkok Chef and met up with Brad and Ernest for some yummy Thai food. And dessert from Diamond Head Market & Grill. Tai introduced me to this awesome oreo cookie -peanut butter-banana-chocolate pudding-whipped cream concoction.

Tai, Ernest
(Garmin data courtesy of Lisa Reinke)
1. In the map image on the Garmin site, select the "Hybrid" box
2. Press the "Play" button

Thu, 6/3/10
Start: Jackass Ginger
Trails: Jackass Ginger - Nuuanu (out & back)
~1:15 / ~4 miles (lost satellite reception on the way back)